Hardworking Contractors


with Event Ready Bodies

Is your body constantly under the pump, running from deadline to deadline, driving the team and feeling like there’s not enough of you to go around?

Sure, you’re making good money, but at what cost?

The old way was to work hard and take your chances. The new way is work sustainably whilst building a future fit body.

Want to know more, book a free-15 minute call to discover how you can get more jobs complete, exit your industry in a body that works, allowing you to enjoy more adventures now and in the future.

Join our free,

Five Day Future Fit Challenge TM

Get more jobs done every day with these quick and easy 15 minute shortcuts….


Future Fit by Event Ready Bodies, led by Barb Kelly, is a community and set of tools and resources for participants of world's top attraction events.

If you're wanting to complete more jobs and exit your industry in body that works, allowing you to enjoy more adventures in the future, then Future Fit by Event Ready Bodies is designed specifically for you.


My Future Fit

philosophy is simple




When you know how to:

Energize your body  Optimize your training Systemize your approach

You will have all the tools necessary to:

  1. Rapidly fuel and repair your body

  2. Keep your physical skills and add new ones.

  3. Qualify yourself for epic adventures and the world's top attraction events.

All of our material is designed to help you with those three elements, using cutting-edge proprietary strategies and tools. 

Here at Event Ready Bodies we’re not asking you, “How much MORE can you do to stay fit” We’re asking you an even better question, “How much can you EDIT your training so your body behaves younger and can say YES! to the most EPIC events and phenomenal adventures you can dream of?”

We now know a Future Fit body is not built by activity alone. Take this Future Fit Quiz to discover if your current physical workloads are making or breaking the future fitness of your body

Future Fit by Event Ready Bodies is a community of proactive doers, looking to train their body to behave younger, who want to be fit and strong for eight or more decades... all the while living lives of massive personal freedom.

If you are already at ERB 10 Y Future Fit level, Event Ready Bodies EPIC is a high performance mastermind for individuals looking to master the worlds’ top attraction events and activities. Limited spots.

Become Future Fit

Rapidly train your body to behave younger, achieve remarkable results with a body performing twenty-five years younger, say yes to epic events and adventures... and live a life of phenomenal personal freedom.

Talk of the Town